The investigation of the criminal case of the death of Ivan Geliyev from Anapa in the compartment for the detained of the police UAZ vehicle is extended till 29 November of this year. As we have previously reported, the criminal case under article “Infliction of Death by Negligence” was initiated two and half months after the incident, and, in the opinion of the lawyers with the Committee Against Torture, is still investigated very inefficiently: many expert examinations are conducted untimely, and there are no suspects in the case still.
(Ivan Geliyev)
On 30 June 2017 Zalina Geliyeva from Anapa applied to the Krasnodar branch of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture for legal assistance. She informed human rights defenders that her brother Ivan died in the police UAZ vehicle’s cell for apprehended early in the morning on 18 March of this year.
During public investigation, human rights defenders managed to clarify some circumstances of the incident. About 4 hours 15 minutes on 18 March of this year Ivan Geliyev arrived at the cross-section of Vladimirskaya street and Shevchenko street of Anapa at the request of his friend who was detained by the Road Patrol Service for drunk driving. Ivan started to argue with the police officers loudly, in response the Road Patrol Service officers applied physical force and hand-cuffed him. Sometime later a Patrol-Guard Service arrived at the scene of the incident, its officers together with their colleagues from Road Patrol Service loaded Geliyev, who offered resistance, to police UAZ vehicle’s cell for apprehended and took him to the Department of the Interior of Russia for Anapa.
Having arrived at the police department the Road Patrol Service officers revealed that Ivan was in unconscious state and gave no signs of life. The medical aid team that arrived at the place of the incident simply had to establish the fact of the death of the apprehended person.
On the same day, 18 March, Zalina Geliyeva applied with the crime report to the Investigative Committee, however, criminal case under Part 1 Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“death by negligence”) was initiated only on 29 May.
According to the conclusion of the forensic medical expert, Ivan Geliyev’s death occurred as a result of “closed blunt trauma of the neck with local hemorrhaging in the area of left cervical neurovascular tract (sinocarotid nodosity), was followed by primary traumatic shock and caused reflectory heart failure which became the direct cause of death… Closed blunt trauma of the neck could be inflicted by impact action of blunt hard object directly in the neck area on the left, created instant danger to life, and based on this is qualified as inflicting grave bodily harm. The trauma occurred shortly before death, in the range from several minutes to several dozens of minutes. This neck trauma has a direct causal relation to the death coming”.
“During five months since the beginning of the investigation we literally have to force investigator Evgeny Lisyansky to conduct necessary investigative activities. For example, expert examinations which could and should be done back in the beginning of the investigation, are assigned only now, – lawyer with the Committee Against Torture Roman Veretennikov, representing the interests of Zalina Geliyeva, comments. – Due to highly unsatisfactory work of investigator Lisyansky we applied to the territorial investigative department asking to bring the investigator to responsibility. We also asked the Prosecutor’s Office to check the progress of the investigation of this case”.