The Court in Strasbourg has registered an application against the abduction and murder in Chechnya


20 February 2007

  The European Court of Human Rights has informed the NN Committee Against Torture that yesterday the First Section of the Court registered the application “Dovletukaev v. Russia”.

    You may remember that the Regional Office of the NN Committee Against Torture in the Chechen Republic is representing the interests of relatives of Aslan Dovletukaev who was abducted and murdered as a result of a so-called “passport control check”, organized by federal armed forces on 9 January 2004 in village Avtury of Shali District, Chechnya.

    On 9 January 2007, to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the deceased and his relatives and restore justice the International Department of the NN Committee Against Torture lodged an application with the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of Aslan Dovletukaev. The applicant complained that the Russian Federation had violated its obligations, assumed by ratifying the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, namely art. 2, art. 3, art. 5 para. 1 (c), art. 8 and art. 13 of the Convention.

Art. 2 – unlawful deprivation of life and lack of effective investigation into a case of deprivation of life.

Art. 3 – there are certain reasons to believe that Mr. Dovletukaev was subjected to torture before has death, with no effective investigation being conducted.

Art. 5 – unlawful detention of Mr. Dovletukaev.

Art. 8 – violation of the right to respect for his home.

Art. 13 – no effective remedy.

   In its communication to the NN Committee Against Torture of 19 February 2007 the Court informed that the complaint of Mr. Dovletukaev “will be regarded by the Court on the basis of the submitted documents and information as soon as it is possible”.

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