The trial over the policemen who beat an artist continues in Dzerzhinsk


16 May 2007

Today the Dzerzhinsk City Court continued the legal proceeding under the case of Vladimir Polyashov, an artist from Dzerzhinsk. Starting from the next hearing an inquest of witnesses for the defence will begin. After that the parties will have a hearing of arguments. The next hearing is set for 22 May 2007.

    You may remember that lawyers of the NN Committee Against Torture, to which Vladimir Polyashov had applied, carried out a public investigation and are now granting him legal aid.

    The legal proceedings under this notorious case began in the Dzerzhinsk City Court on 20 March 2007. 

    Two policemen are charged with commission of crimes under Article 286 §3 (а, б, в) of the Criminal Code (Abuse of official power associated with the use of violence or threat of it, committed with the use of arms and entailing serious consequences) and Article 111 §3 of the Criminal Code (willful infliction of a serious damage to health, committed by a group of persons).

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