
25 June 2009 15 years in an increased security penal colony for killing a colleague 22 June 2009 Another conviction. Again it is the Oktyabrsky District Department of Internal Affair, Bashkiria 21 June 2009 Will the court find the policeman guilty of tortures? 20 June 2009 The Investigation Administration of the Investigation Committee under the RF Prosecutor’s Office for Orenburg region has breached the law one more time 16 June 2009 Staffs of the Centre for struggle against extremism groundlessly seize “dangerous books” from the chairman of the Committee against Torture 15 June 2009 The life of a Nizhny Novgorod citizen costs 600 thousand roubles. This is the amount of moral damage awarded to the relatives of deceased Alexander Anoshin 13 June 2009 An Azerbaijani abused by the police will get 100 000 roubles. 08 June 2009 Police discretion: rape or torture – the court will never notice 06 June 2009 The Committee against Torture has sent a woman from Bashkiria abused by the police for rehabilitation 05 June 2009 The Avtozavod youngster mutilated by the police has identified his tormentors 04 June 2009 Evenings in Nizhny Novgorod medical detoxification centres are no longer quiet… 02 June 2009 Nizhny Novgorod Themis supports tortures following the city administration 02 June 2009 A police major form Bashkiria is found guilty of tortures 02 June 2009 A representative of the Committee against Torture will take part in the first Polish-Russian NGO forum 01 June 2009 The notorious case of Sochi special police forces goes to court again 01 June 2009 The torture conveyor in Nizhny Novgorod region never stops 29 May 2009 The Bashkirian Supreme Court protects the interests of torture victims abused by the police 29 May 2009 Torture victims abused by the Sochi special police forces demand compensation 28 May 2009 Another Nizhny Novgorod citizen battered by the police seeks justice in the European Court 26 May 2009 Relatives of Alexander Anoshin from Nizhny Novgorod killed in a medical detoxification centre are awarded 600 000 roubles as compensation
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