
29 January 2019 The suspect does not have a possibility. The case of police torture is suspended in Nalchik 24 January 2019 Former police officers from Moscow, who beat up the football coach, are sentenced to real jail time 21 January 2019 The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will examine the case of tortures at the Nizhny Novgorod Anti-Extremism Centre in 2010 18 January 2019 In Bashkiria, retrial of two police officers, charged with electricity torture, starts 17 January 2019 The Federal Penitentiary Service will pay half a million rubles to the mother for the death of her son after the battery by the pre-trial detention facility officers 17 January 2019 “The Federal Penitentiary Service wants to violate the confidentiality principle” 16 January 2019 The court estimated the moral damage of the woman who was illegally detained for insult of the police officer, at 5000 rubles 14 January 2019 The victim of sexual violence at the Orenburg penal colony applied to the European Court 11 January 2019 The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe will examine the case of abduction and torture of a citizen from Nizhny Novgorod in 2004 10 January 2019 The European Court will examine another complaint against torture at the Nizhny Novgorod police 27 December 2018 “Is it the first time that you hear criticism about the quality of the investigators’ work?” 26 December 2018 Human rights defenders once again successfully insisted on resuming the case on police battery at the Bashkirian police 26 December 2018 Criminal case is opened based on the fact of abduction and torture of Amnesty International officer in Ingushetia 25 December 2018 Former police officer who accused FSB of surveillance will be subjected to psychiatric examination 20 December 2018 The European Court awarded 20 000 Euro to a citizen from Nizhny Novgorod who was beaten up by police officers in 2009 19 December 2018 Checking of the circumstances of death of the patient in Nizhny Novgorod hospital is monitored by the regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee 18 December 2018 “Do you know why you became a faggot?” The court satisfied the request about release on parole of Deputy Head of the Orenburg penal colony who filmed the sexual battery of a convict, MediaZona 14 December 2018 The victim of torture by the Orenburg police is awarded 30 000 rubles 13 December 2018 Igor Kalyapin talked with school children from Nizhny Novgorod about human rights 12 December 2018 Igor Kalyapin’s Speech at the Meeting of the Human Rights Council under the Chairmanship of Vladimir Putin
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