
23 January 2015 “Kids’ inferno. Kindergarten teachers torturing the pre-schoolers”, 21 January 2015 In the course of examination of criminal case against six police officers from Nizhny Novgorod a complainant was questioned 19 January 2015 Representatives of the Chechen Ministry once again did not attend a court hearing of their charge to defend business reputation 19 January 2015 The Committee Against Torture will not be working under the label of a “foreign agent” 15 January 2015 The European Court has communicated the complaint of parents of a man who was shot by Drug Control officers in 2008 13 January 2015 Igor Kalyapin on the draft law submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation by the Chechen lawmakers 28 December 2014 Welder from Nizhny Novgorod accuses police officers of battery and frame up of a crime 26 December 2014 Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court comes to defense of Nizhny Novgorod citizens, who became victims of police actions 25 December 2014 The Chechen Ministry of Interior decided to pursue the Committee Against Torture in court 24 December 2014 The examination of the criminal case on its merits concerning six police officers of Nizhny Novgorod started on the fourth try 23 December 2014 The Committee Against Torture conducts an inquiry of a man’s death after the examination fight in Special Police Force 17 December 2014 The court hearing of the Chechen Ministry of Interior charge against Amriyev who complained of torture by the police is rescheduled for 25 December, Caucasian Knot 16 December 2014 JMG lawyers have applied to law-enforcement agencies in relation to last events 15 December 2014 Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation makes a statement in relation to the crackdown of the joint mobile group “The Committee Against Torture” in Grozny 15 December 2014 The Council is extremely concerned over the situation with the Committee Against Torture in Chechnya and hopes for its easy solution, Human Rights Council web site 12 December 2014 The Ministry of Interior of Chechnya filed a charge against a man who complained of battery by the police 12 December 2014 Examination of the criminal case on its merits concerning six police officers from Nizhny Novgorod is delayed the third time 11 December 2014 The court dismisses the suit of the Head of Orenburg Penal Colony Settlement to the Committee Against Torture 10 December 2014 Strasbourg is going to deal with the rights of a citizen from Nizhny Novgorod region 09 December 2014 Appeals of Kalyapin to the Prosecutor-General of the Russian Federation Chayka and to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Bastrykin in connection with the public statements of the Head of the Chechen Republic Kadyrov
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