
28 October 2014 Today in the course of examination of the appeal against the court decision in the case of Ruslan Kutaev investigator Tsoltsayev has been questioned 27 October 2014 Lawyer filed another motion in the course of examination of the appeal against the court ecision in the case of Ruslan Kutaev 24 October 2014 Examination of the appeal against the court decision in the case of Ruslan Kutaev continues on 27 October 23 October 2014 Ruslan Kutaev: “We all are taking part in a stage play” 22 October 2014 Examination of the appeal against the court decision in the case of Ruslan Kutaev continues tomorrow 17 October 2014 Police Captain will receive 50 000 RUR for spinal and nasal fractures caused by his colleagues from Drug Control Service 16 October 2014 The ECHR awarded 20 000 euro to the relatives of the woman killed as a result of mortar attack in Chechnya in 2003 15 October 2014 10 000 RUR for inefficient investigation of the failure to register the crime report 15 October 2014 Another incident with Orenburg policemen has become a cause for proceedings in the European Court of Human Rights 09 October 2014 The officials who are to blame that Russia has again lost the police torture case in the European Court of Human Rights 07 October 2014 The European Court is going to look into the case of Nizhny Novgorod policemen and members of voluntary people’s patrol 03 October 2014 Committee Against Torture started the investigation into death of a man from Tajikistan in the Moscow-area police department 02 October 2014 100 000 rubles for unlawful detention and use of violence against a woman by Bashkortostan police officers 23 September 2014 A criminal case against three police officers accused of torturing an under-age citizen has been referred to court 18 September 2014 Russia shall pay 60 000 euro to mother of Apti Zaynalov who was abducted in Chechnya by the state authorities in 2009 16 September 2014 European Court of Human Rights is interested in the case of a man’s death in the police department in 2005 15 September 2014 The Committee Against Torture conducts a training for Nizhny Novgorod lawyers on the subject “Human rights: Russian and international standards of protection” мммм 03 September 2014 Hearing of appeal against the verdict of Ruslan Kutaev is adjourned sine die 03 September 2014 The Orenburg Regional Court doubled the compensation awarded to a man for brutal battery by the police 26 August 2014 The European Court of Human Rights will examine the complaint of a citizen from Nizhny Novgorod concerning tortures by the police in 2010
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