
21 August 2013 The Investigative Committee will still have to investigate death of a convict in Mari El penal colony 21 August 2013 The Committee Against Torture held a training in specific features of the ECHR procedure and case-law for lawyers practicing in Nizhny Novgorod 14 August 2013 The Committee Against Torture conducts training in public investigation methods 08 August 2013 Political activist from Nizhny Novgorod claims he was abducted and forcibly brought to a police department 01 August 2013 Orenburg human rights defenders inform Bastrykin that his subordinates systematically sabotage work 30 July 2013 The Higher Court of the Mari El Republic ordered the IC to reopen the investigation into teenagers’ suicide in 2005 25 July 2013 The Committee Against Torture conducts training for legal practitioners 24 July 2013 The video “Law enforcement agent, remember your Oath of Honour” is released 24 July 2013 Nizhny Novgorod citizen accuses policemen of severe beating 19 July 2013 Statement by Igor Kalyapin to the visiting session of the Presidential Council for Human Rights in Grozny 18 July 2013 Bashkirian court handed down a suspended sentence to a policeman for beating a woman 10 July 2013 Igor Kalyapin is nominated for the “National Pride of Russia” awards 09 July 2013 In Mari El court has obliged the Investigative Committee to investigate death of a convict 28 June 2013 Ombudsman for Nizhny Novgorod region Vasily Olnev requests instigating criminal proceedings against Igor Kalyapin 27 June 2013 In Mari El it is prohibited to speak about torture and the Law Enforcement Oath of Honour 27 June 2013 A picket dedicated to the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture was held in Nizhny Novgorod (PHOTO, VIDEO) 21 June 2013 The Mayor of Ufa consented to place information boards reminding law enforcement agents about their Oath of Honour in the city 20 June 2013 The ECHR has found Russia responsible in another “Chechen case” involving “Kadyrov’s men” 04 June 2013 The Committee against Torture has launched the campaign “Law enforcement agent, remember your Oath of Honour” 30 May 2013 The Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court has not found two ex-policemen responsible for death of a former trooper
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