The head of the Oktyabrsky Extra-Departmental Security Agency is expeditiously dismissed in Bashkiria


07 May 2010

According to a reliable information source, on 6 May 2010 head of the Oktyabrsky Extra-Departmental Security Agency under the Department of Internal Affairs, police colonel Rais Khramshin was dismissed. His subordinate, sergeant Simukhin, is suspected of killing a teacher in Ufa. We would like to remind you that officer of the Extra-Departmental Security Agency under the Oktyabrsky Department of Internal Affairs, junior sergeant Simukhin has been detained today in Nizhny Taguil.

The Ministry of the Interior has promptly made several other officers to retire – one of Khramshin’s deputies; sergeant Simukhin’s company commander; and inspector of arms. Right now it is being decided whether the second deputy of the former EDSA head is to be head disciplinary liable. Besides, the head of the shift which was on duty when Simukhin ran away has voluntarily handed in his resignation.


Of the Interregional Committee against Torture

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