The reviewing authority has considered the complaint of Elena Lisina


01 February 2007

Today the Presidium of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court during its sitting in the framework of review proceedings has considered the complaint of Elena Lisina’s representative, lawyer of the NN Committee Against Torture Yuri Sidorov, and the review adduction of Deputy General Prosecutor of the RF Mr. Kekhlerov against the Decision of the Nizhegorodsky District Court of 22 November 2005 and the Ruling of the criminal panel of judges of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court of 30 December 2006.

The Presidium of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court has dismissed the complaint against the Decision of the Nizhegorodsky District Court of 22 November 2005.

The Presidium has reversed the Ruling of the criminal panel of judges of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court of 30 December 2006 which held the Decision of the Nizhegorodsky District Court of Nizhny Novgorod City which had dismissed the Disposition of Deputy Prosecutor of Nizhny Novgorod Region Mr. Belov who had revoked the Decision of the investigator, charged with investigation of the case of Elena Lisina, to discontinue investigation into the case.

You may remember that suspects – former prosecution officials – had appealed against the Disposition of Deputy Prosecutor of Nizhny Novgorod Region in the court of first instance, the decision of which was held by the panel of judges of theRegional Court.

The Presidium of the Regional Court has dismissed the Ruling of the panel of judges and remanded the Decision of the District Court for another consideration to the criminal panel of judges of the Regional Court.

If the later reverses the decision of the Nizhegorodsky District Court, the criminal prosecution against the former prosecution officials suspected of the rape and cruel treatment of Elena Lisina will continue.

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