The prosecutor’s office of Chuvashia is shattering the prosecution at the trial in respect of the case of Mr. Shalagin, a deputy chief of the UBOP of Chuvashia


11 April 2007

As you may know the MoskovskyDistrictCourtofCheboksaryCity (Chuvashia) is currently considering the case against Aleksandr Shalagin, a deputy chief of the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism (UBOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chuvashia, charged with cruel treatment of his subordinate – criminal investigation officer of the UBOP Leonid Sarri.

    You may remember that on 12 May 2006 Aleksandr Shalagin in his office acting in an official capacity cruelly beat Leonid Sarri. As a result the officer got multiple bodily injuries and was put in hospital where he spent a considerable time. The victim asserts that he was beaten because he tried to record with a Dictaphone the threats of his direct chief who was trying to make him give false evidence under a criminal case. Mr. Sarri decided to report the incident to the head of the Central Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Privolzhsky Federal District and a Deputy General Prosecutor of Russia. Being aware of the complexity of the situation, Leonid Sarri’s counsel applied to the NN Committee Against Torture asking to carry out an inquiry into the case and ensure public control over the official investigation.

    On Mr. Sarri’s application the prosecutor’s office of Chuvashia opened a criminal case and initiated criminal investigation into it. But it only complicated the situation because we had all reasons to believe that the person in charge of the investigation would be pressurized. So the NN Committee Against Torture applied to the General Prosecutor’s Office requiring to remit the criminal case to a prosecutor’s office of another region of Russia. We also attached the materials which had been gathered during our unofficial investigation. As a result of the Committee’s activity the criminal case was remitted to the prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Tatarstan.

    The prosecutor’s office forwarded the case file together with the bill of indictment to theMoskovskyDistrictCourtofCheboksaryCity on 12 May 2007. Public prosecutor Stolyarenko was appointed to represent the prosecution at the trial. However, Mr. Stolyarenko is not actually prosecuting, but is acting as defender. His standpoint contradicts the official conclusions of the prosecutor’s office of Tatarstan concerning the alleged commission of a serious crime committed by Mr. Shalagin. These conclusions were clearly stated in the bill of indictment.

    Mr. Stolyarenko by his actions impairs the interests of public justice, the government and the victim.

    In this connection the NN Committee Against Torture has forwarded a statement to deputy General Prosecutor in Privolzhsky Federal District E. Valeev (p.1p.2) requesting him to examine the situation and take immediate measures to put the things right.

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