Such judgment was delivered by the Sovietskiy district court of Nizhny Novgorod under the claim filed by the Committee against Torture in the interests of Mr. Shestopalov who had been beaten by the police in May 2004. The investigation has not yet disclosed the perpetrator, however, the Prosecutor’s office has acknowledged the fact of Mr. Shestopalov’s battery (at that time he was underage).
In June 2004 the youngster’s mother – Ms. Tamara Shestopalova – applied to the Committee against Torture. The Committee conducted an investigation and established the fact of torture.
Mr. Shestopalov was acknowledged victim under a criminal case and sued the state for damages.
According to the court judgment, the state will pay Anton Shestopalov 50000 roubles.
It should be mentioned that specialists of the Committee against Torture have prepared and filed an application with the European Court of Human Rights claiming alleged violation of art.3 and 13 by the Russian Federation («prohibition of torture» and «right to an effective investigation»).