A member of the NN Committee Against Torture took part in the meeting of the Public Chamber in Chechnya.


30 July 2007

On 26 July 2007 in Grozny Supyan Baskhanov, the head of the Chechen Office of the NN Committee Against Torture, took part in the meeting of the Public Chamber of the Chechen Republic where its president Mr. Dzhabrailov read out a report on the main problems of the today’s republic. A special attention was given to issues of law enforcement in Chechnya. Among the factors which prevent establishing the supremacy of law in the Chechen Republic the problem of the use of torture was especially underscored. Mr. Baskhanov in the course of his speech informed members of the Public Chamber that the torture which used to be practiced mainly in ORB-2 smoothly overflowed into other law enforcement bodies. That is why the main objective of the meeting was to work out recommendations how to eliminate torture on the territory of the republic. As a result, the following recommendations were adopted:

– to address the Chechen Parliament that it suggested the RF President introducing jury trials on the territory of the republic;

– to show publicly on TV a number of criminal proceedings in order that people had some insight of the proceedings;

– to open a number of criminal cases against persons who have used torture in law enforcement agencies.   The Report of the President of the Public Chamber was approved of by the members. Besides, as a result of the meeting an appeal to the Chechen President was drafted.

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