Applicant of the Committee Against Torture Ulduz Kurashova informed that in the course of the court hearing on 12 May 2022, one of the defendants, a police officer charged with torture, turned to her and whispered: “You are finished”, and the second one told her “You will pay for this”. Due to that, the lawyers with the CAT on behalf of the victim submitted a motion on applying measures of state protection which was satisfied during the court hearing on 24 May.
In June 2020, Yulduz Kurashova from Khasavyurt applied to the Committee Against Torture for legal assistance. She told human rights defenders that in March of the same year police officers took her to the police station by force and beat her up, threatening to plant drugs on her. The woman was released next morning, after she signed full confession. Subsequently, the forensic expert diagnosed the woman with a closed craniocerebral injury, brain concussion and numerous extravasations.
A criminal case was initiated against Kurashova on “Illegal trafficking of highly potent or toxic substances with the aim of selling”, which was dismissed shortly due to absence of the element of crime.
After the victim applied to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Dagestan, a criminal case was initiated under article “abuse of office with the use of violence” against operative authorized officers Shamil Aliev and Ramazan Saypulaev, and subsequently the charges of forging the evidence and the investigative work results were added, and another defendant appeared in the criminal case - operative authorized officer Maya Akhmedova.
The case was submitted to court in March 2021. On 18 May 2021, the Khasavyurt City Court started the examination of the case on its merits.
- On 24 May, Saypulaev told me the word “scum” during the court hearing. The prosecutor heard that and asked the court to give him an admonition, - Kurashova described. – I don’t feel safe because even at court the defendants take the liberty of threats and insults.
- We have serious concerns about the life and health of our applicant because of the aggressive behavior of the defendants in the court room. During the last hearing, the prosecutor issued an admonition to defendants Aliyev and Saypulaev, having warned that he would ask the court to change the measure of restraint for a more severe one if the threats and insults addressed to Kurashova are not stopped, - lawyer with the Committee Against Torture Magomed Alamov commented.