1 March 2007, Prague (the Czech Republic).
Every year, the Czech NGO People in Need gives the Homo Homini Award to a person of outstanding merit who has significantly contributed to the promotion of human rights, democracy and the non-violent resolution of political conflicts.
The award for the year 2006 has been given to the chairwoman of the regional NGO for the assistance to refugees and forced migrants the Civic Assistance, member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civic Institutions, Democracy and Human Rights Svetlana Gannushkina.
“Svetlana Gannushkina is primarily receiving the award for the courage and commitment with which she has consistently defended basic human rights over a long period of time. With her work and attitude, she has helped those who have been reduced to the status of “second class citizens” in a climate of growing racism and intimidation. Again and again, she has reminded people that mass violations of the rights of the civilian population in Chechnya continue to occur Moreover, Gannushkina has courageously been fighting for the right of non-governmental organisations to defend both the interests of individuals against the injustices of the system and the preservation of civic freedoms in Russia”.
In presenting the Homo Homini award, the People in Need Foundation is not just showing its appreciation for the personal commitment and contribution of Svetlana Gannushkina in the field of human rights and particularly in the area of migrants’ rights. At the same time it also wants to draw attention to the rise in xenophobic and racist sentiments in Russia, which have also been appearing in statements made by Russian politicians and state institutions”, the news release informs.
The Homo Homini Award was established by the People in Need Foundation in 1998 and is given every year in Prague during the One World international human rights documentary film festival.