"Conduct of strategic cases in national courts and the ECHR" training


21 February 2018

On 15-16 March 2018, the Committee Against Torture organizes a training in Nizhny Novgorod in a round table format with practicing lawyers and human rights defenders on the subject “Conduct of strategic cases in national courts and in the ECHR”. The work will be conducted under the supervision of lawyer Anton Burkov, who has many years of active conduct of strategic cases.  

During the training main problems, gaps and collisions in the existing national legislation which practicing lawyers face, will be identified.  For successful solution to these problems a detailed action plan on specific case will be drawn up; it will be reviewed how legal work on the case is combined with other tools, for example, with work in media space.  

The participants will have to define the challenges with which they will have to deal with during the conduct of the strategic cases, reveal ethical and legal limitations, as well as assess their resources.  

Lawyers, professional human rights attorneys with experience, potential and desire to work with non-standard cases are invited to take part in the event. The training is planned for sixteen academic hours, it will last for two days. Upon its completion, the participants will be given a Certificate.   

Participation is free of charge. The organizers will pay for the hotel for participants of the training from other cities (road expenses are paid by the participants on their own). Applications for participation should be sent to address otkrytyzal@gmail.com in the form of a motivation letter before 7 March 2018, inclusive.   

Anton Leonidovich Burkov.

Candidate Degree in Law Sciences, Master of Laws (Essex), Doctor of Law (Cambridge), Chairman of European Law Department in University of Humanities in Ekaterinburg, working in non-governmental organization Sutyajnik and the Human Rights Academy.     

Involved in the following legal proceedings: Burkov v. Google (IT and confidentiality), Mikhaykova v. Russia (free legal support), Sablina and etc. v. Russia (secret removal of organs), the Korolev family v. Russia (the convicts and their families’ rights to conjugal meetings and artificial insemination) and etc. He is an author of numerous publications, as well as co-editor and co-author of book “How to Win Over the Civil Servant” / Edited by T.Brower, A.Burkov. — М., 2017.

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