Lawyers of the Committee for Prevention of Torture received a copy of order on institution of criminal proceedings against an officer of Patrol-Guard Service of the Ministry of Interior of Russia for Nizhny Novgorod over the battery of Sergey Sysouyev from the capital of the region.
(Photo: Sergey Sysouyev)
On 16 July 2015 Sergey Sysouyev applied to INGO «The Committee Against Torture» for legal assistance, claiming that the police officers from Nizhny Novgorod applied physical violence against him.
Sergey told the human rights defenders that on 14 July of this year at about 3 a.m. he was detained by the police officers in the apartment of his girlfriend – her mother did not like the night visit of the young man. According to Sergey, when the police car with him inside was approaching the police department No.3 (Leninsky District), in outrage due to this apprehension, he suggested that the police officers «go to Donbass if they have nothing else to do». This statement, apparently, offended the police officers very much, and one of them hit Sergey in the face, and the second one left the car, pulled Sergey out and hit him against the car door.
According to Sysouyev, the battery was taking place in front of the department where he was dragged along the ground, inside the police department one of the police officers who had apprehended Sysouyev, continued to beat him up, having stretched him on the ground. After some time Sergey complained to the control room officer that he felt unwell and asked to call for the doctors to provide medical assistance to him. Ambulance team which arrived at the police department urgently delivered Sergey to the City Hospital No.39. There he was diagnosed with bruises of the head’s soft tissues, cerebral concussion, partial rupture of forearm muscle, as well as hypodermic hematomas on the body. As a result of the sustained injuries Sysouyev had to spend a week in hospital.
When still under treatment, Sergey applied to the Committee Against Torture for assistance. Human rights defenders immediately sent him for forensic medical examination in order to timely register all the injuries. Its results were added to the crime report which the human rights defenders submitted to the Investigative Committee.
Yesterday lawyer of the Committee for Prevention of Torture Yevgeny Chilikov, representing the interests of Sergey Sysouyev, received the copy of order on institution of criminal proceedings for an offence under part A, part 3, Article 286 of the Russian Criminal Code («abuse of office with the use of violence») against an officer of the Patrol-Guard Service of the Department of Interior for Nizhny Novgorod.
«We are satisfied that in the presence of obvious constituent elements of offence the Investigative Committee initiated criminal proceedings. So far only the fact of Sysouyev’s battery by one of the officers has been registered in the police department. Later, at the stage of the pre-trial investigation where we will participate in the capacity of the victim’s representatives, we intend to insist on the necessary investigative activities in order to establish the full picture of the incident and bring to justice all the culprits of this crime», – Yevgeny Chilikov emphasizes.