The project «Open Hall – Providing Access to Justice» is 7 months old now. Many people have received assistance during this period. Here are some statistics:

– more than 50 people contacted the project for legal advice,
– 15 court claims have been written,
– more than 30 complaints have been written to be lodged with different authorities (the Prosecutor’s Office, Housing authorities, Consumer Rights and Health Protection authorities),
– approximately 100 Nizhny Novgorod citizens have attended lectures arranged within the project,
– more that 80 practicing lawyers have attended the trainings,
– the telephone consultation hotline of the project functions, and it has received more that 30 various questions.
The Project «Open Hall – Providing access to Justice» appears to be in demand, which is clear from the questionnaires filled in during the lectures. Moreover, the project is constantly receiving such requests as to arrange events on legal issues currently important for the city and its dwellers.
We remind that on 18 – 19 February a judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (retired), Doctor of Law, Professor with the Academic Department of Judicial Power and Justice Administration of National Research University Higher School of Economics, Nikita Aleksandrovich Kolokolov will take part in the project events. He is to conduct a series of trainings for practicing lawyers, the topic is «interim measures in criminal proceedings», and also to lead the discussion with professional lawyers on the «problems in criminal proceedings».
On 19 February at 2 pm in the Higher School of Economics Pr Kolokolov will give a workshop on the stages of the Trial. Everyone is invited to participate.
Please visit the website of the project «Open Hall – Providing Access to Justice»