On 2 March 2019, a premier of documentary “Far South” took place in Krasnodar. The documentary tells a story of four citizens from Anapa, who were subjected to torture at the police department three years ago and still cannot achieve justice and punishment of the guilty.
As we have previously reported, four citizens from Anapa: Artem Ponomarchuk, Aram Arustamyan, Karen Engoyan and Erik Engoyan accuse the criminal investigations officers of tortures at the local police department in December 2015, forcing them to confess.
The criminal case was initiated only on 23 November 2017 after 11 refusals were issued.
At the present time there is not a single suspect in the case.
“Far South” – is a story about a mutilated life of several families the members of which fell under suspicion of assaults. Tortures which the guys had to live through, had a painful impact on their families, too. The relatives were not subjected to physical violence, however, together with the victims they were drawn to complete despair and unbelief”, – member of the Committee Against Torture and author of the film, Evgeny Chilikov, comments.