January 12 – Day of the RF Prosecutor’s Office


11 January 2008

The Prosecutor’s office has always played an important part in the history of our country, it performed the function of state control, monitored law compliance, protected the interests of the society and state, citizens’ rights and freedoms.  

The RF Prosecutor’s office is being reformed, it is in the process of establishing itself within the hierarchy of state bodies, and at the same time it remains one of the key tools in the legal system of the RF.

We all know that the RF Prosecutor’s office does its utmost to solve the issues connected with the development of a modern, civilized and prosperous state.

Unfortunately, practice shows that some legal “guardsmen” do not always follow the principles and interests of law. There are multiple cases when for some Prosecutor’s office staff the citizens’ constitutional rights and interests are not a guideline. This situation causes significant damage to the Prosecutor’s office image (image of a body protecting law) and state interests as a whole.

    We hope that the Prosecutor’s office personnel, state human rights defenders whose primary task is protection of the RF citizens’ rights and interests, will be more conscious of their mission, will show professionalism and fidelity to principles while performing their duties set forth in the RF Constitution and legislation.

We wish all Prosecutor’s office staff success in their honorary occupation, professional achievements, happiness, health and luck!

The Committee against Torture team

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