Yesterday, on December 13, in
Nizhny Novgorod newly appointed members of the Public Monitoring Commission for the supervision of human rights observance in detention facilities and support of individuals placed in such facilities (PMC) received their certificates during a solemn ceremony.
The Nizhny Novgorod PMC, like its counterparts in other Russian regions, was established two year ago for the purposes of Federal Law no. 76-FZ “On public control over human rights observance in detention facilities and support of individuals placed in such facilities”.
The Interregional Committee Against Torture has significantly expanded its presence in the PMC. There are four CAT representatives in the Nizhny Novgorod Commission – Igor Kalyapin, Dmitry Kazakov, Anatoly Dunin, Oleg Khabibrakhmanov. The latter was also elected deputy president of the Nizhny Novgorod PMC.
For the second time Alexander Listkov was elected president of the PMC for Nizhny Novgorod region.
In the Republic of Bashkortostan Vladislav Sadykov and Rustem Abdrakhmanov, workers of the local branch office of the CAT, became members of the PMC. In Chechnya the local PMC contains two CAT lawyers – Kilab Ezhiyev and Magomed Alamov.
The new composition of the PMC is approved by the Russian Public Chamber for a period of 3 years.