On 25 November in Yoshkar-Ola there will be a joint press-conference of the Committee Against Torture and Prosecutor’s Office devoted to the examination of Boris Rzhavin’s application by the European Court


23 November 2010

On 25 November 2010 inYoshkarOla (Mariy El Republic) there will be a joint press-conference of the Interregional Committee Against Torture and Prosecutor’s Office on the case of Boris Rzhavin, Yoshkar-Ola resident abused by the police.

   Rzhavin’s application is being examined by the ECtHR. The Russian Federation has acknowledged violation of the applicant’s rights and legal interests by state agents.

   During the press-conference human rights defenders and representatives of the prosecutor’s office will speak about Rzhavin’s claims towards the state and about the situation with the case, as well as prospects of dealing with the application on the domestic level. 

Among the participants there will be:

– Senior Counsellor in Justice, Yoshkar-Ola deputy prosecutor Alexander Zaykov;

– head of the Interregional Committee Against Torture representation in Mariy El Dmitry Yegoshin;

– Interregional Committee Against Torture expert in international law Anton Ryzhov (Nizhny Novgorod)

The press-conference will take place in the Yoshkar-Ola Prosecutor’s office at the address: 21 Leninski Prospect Street, at 12.00

We invite mass media representatives to the event.

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