Police Major Ibragim Aliyev, involved in the criminal case on the murder of Gasangusenov brothers-shepherds in the capacity of a witness, will be brought to disciplinary action for insulting the lawyer with the Committee Against Torture.
On 24 July 2019, lawyer with the Committee Against Torture Abubakar Yangulbayev, who represents the interests of the father of the murdered brothers-shepherds Murtazali Gasangusenov, received a call from former head of police of the Shamilsky District, at the present time – district police officer Ibragim Aliyev. Mr Aliyev was indignant with the fact the Yangulbayev called his relative, who, just like Aliyev himself, is a witness in the criminal case on the murder of shepherds-brothers. In the course of the conversation Aliyev called Yangulbayev and Gasangusenov “liars”, accused them of forging the facts and grandstanding, and in the end of the conversation he burst up with obsene language addressed to Yangulbaev.
Human rights defender Yangulbaev submitted a complaint to the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Dagestan against the actions of district officer Aliev. Audio record of insults by the public official was attached to the application. In his complaint, Yangulbaev demanded that an agency check with regard to Aliyev is conducted and he is brought to disciplinary action.
This application resulted in the response of Head of Operational and Search Section of Internal Security of the Republican Ministry of the Interior Mikhail Khadikov, which states the following: “The data on illegal actions of Police Major Aliyev I.G. with the Department of the Interior for the Khunzansky District has been confirmed, disciplinary action will be performed with his regard”.
“Unfortunately, the internal security officers did not inform us how exactly Aliyev will be punished. In our view, the only adequate measure of disciplinary action in this case should be dismissal, – Abubakar Yangulbaev comments. – I will also be insisting that the Aliyev’s actions which may be regarded as abuse of office, are evaluated from the point of view of the criminal law as well”.
As we have previously reported, eighteen-years old Gasangusein Gasangusenov and seventeen-years old Nabi Gasangusenov were shot by unidentified persons on 23 August 2016 not far from their Goor-Khindakh village of the Shamilky District of the Republic of Dagestan. Their father, Murtazaali Gasangusenov, applied to the Committee Against Torture for legal assistance in July 2018: he thinks that law-enforcement officers may be involved in his sons’ death. Murtazaali asked human rights defenders to represent his interests in the criminal case on his sons’ murder.
This criminal case is being investigated by the central office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. At the present time there are no suspects in the case.