On July 31, 2011 in Nizhny Novgorod, in Svoboda Square there was a public action in the framework of the All-Russian “Strategy 31” opposition movement. The action was dispersed by the police with no fewer than 16 detentions and 3 administrative arrests for 5 days.
Workers of the Interregional NGO “Committee Against Torture” studied documents provided by rally organizers, were present in Svoboda square during the action and later – in the Nizhegorodsky district magistrates court of Nizhny Novgorod as public observers. Our organization is traditionally engaged in such observations in the context of human rights monitoring aimed at assessing compliance with generally recognized principles and standards of international law.
Both documents and personal impressions have allowed us to come to certain conclusions regarding human rights observance by state authorities in the context of the given rally.
Here you can find a detailed report of INGO “Committee Against Torture» on human rights observance during the Strategy 31 rally of July 31, 2011.