On 10 June 2010, at 14:00 the Avtozavodsky district court will pronounce the verdict for two police officers, Zhurvlyov and Ladin who abused Nizhny Novgorod youth Stanislav Lebedev. He applied to the Committee against Torture after he was battered by officers of the Avtozavodsky district Directorate of the Interior at night on 8 March 2009. Officers of the 2nd police department of that district beat him up for no reason. Stanislav was taken to clinical hospital no.40 only the following day after he was made to write a confession. Upon admittance and before the surgery he was examined by doctors who documented the following injuries: blunt-force abdominal injury, extraperitoneal hemorrhage and rupture of the left kidney. The doctors had to remove the struck off kidney.
Officer Zhuravlyov is charged under cl. “а”, p.3, art.286 of the RF Criminal Code (abuse of office with violent treatment); officer Ladin is charged under p.1, art.111 of the RF Criminal Code (intentional infliction of grave damage to health) and cl.”а”, “c”, p.3, art.286 of the RF Criminal Code (abuse of office with violent treatment causing grave consequences). The prosecution asks the court to sentence defendant Zhuravlyov to 4 years of imprisonment, and defendant Ladin – to 7 years of imprisonment.