The state fulfilled its obligations towards two young men who had suffered from police abuse. Andrey Aplekayev’s compensation amounted to 15 thousand rubles, Denis Darovskih received 9 thousand rubles.
You may remember that in December 2004 criminal investigator of the Yoshkar-Ola central police department Sergey Pchelnikov arrived at one of city discos while performing some investigation where he met Mr. Aplekayev and Mr. Darovskih whom he knew and who at that moment were underage. The policeman suggested that they should go outside and talk. When the boys refused to obey he called the police patrol on duty, forced the boys out and made them put their hands on the hood and straddle.
Then the victims were searched. The young men did not show resistance, nevertheless the policeman used force and struck and kicked them on the stomach, head and loins. Later, at about 2 a.m. officer Pchelnikov placed the boys into the patrol car and took them to his office in the Yoshkar-Ola central police department where the battery continued. When the young men were released they turned for help to the regional human rights organization Man and Law (Yoshkar-Ola). The organization staff together with their partners from the Committee against Torture and the Public Verdict Foundation conducted a public investigation, collected the evidence of human rights violations and pressed for the initiation of criminal proceedings against the criminal investigator.
On July 12, 2007 the Yoshkar-Ola city court of Mariy El found Mr.Pchelnikov guilty under art.286 of the RF criminal Code (excess of official powers). The police officer was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in a standard security penal colony. Mr. Pchelnikov was also deprived of the right to work in law enforcement bodies during 2 years.
Mr.Pchelnikov appealed against the judgment. On October 10, 2007 the criminal division of the Mariy El supreme Court changed the verdict. The prohibition to work in law enforcement bodies for two years was struck out.
With the help of human rights defenders Mr. Aplekayev and Mr. Darovskih prepared and filed a claim against the RF Finance Ministry. On November 22, 2007 Mr.Aplekayev’s claim was sustained to the amount of 15000 rubles, and on November 26 Mr. Darovskih was awarded 9000 rubles.