This is the decision of Svetlana Zavarikhina, judge of the Nizhegorodsky district court, under the claim of Dmitry Mezheninov from Balakhna.
Yesterday the Nizhegorodsky district court adjudicated on the suit of Dmitry Mezheninov who was abused by the Balakhna police (Nizhny Novgorod region). Lawyers of the Interregional Committee against Torture conducted a public investigation which established the fact of tortures and breach of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
On 21 November 2008 the Balakhna city court convicted two police officers accused of abuse of office. According to the verdict, they had unlawfully used handcuffs and struck Mezheninov in the face demanding a confession.
When the judgment entered into force victim Mezheninov lodged a civil suit claiming compensation of moral damage with the Nizhegorodsky district court. Dmitry was represented by a Committee lawyer.
The applicant claimed 50 000 rubles. The court partially sustained the suit because, in its opinion, the victim’s sufferings were not intense.
By its decision Federal judge Svetlana Zavarikhina obliged the RF Finance Ministry to pay 10 000 rubles to Mezheninov.