Mr.Andrey Ivanov from Mariy El was detained by a police patrol three years ago, taken to the Central police department where, as Andrey claims, he was savagely battered by 2 police officers.
In that way the police “investigated” a robbery that had happened in the district. The detainee turned out to be a suitable candidate to pin the crime on him, as it is common for some police officers. The officers tried to make Mr.Ivanov talk by torturing him – they struck his head with a rubber club, handcuffed him to a chair, kicked him. Next morning Mr.Ivanov was set free and went to hospital.
The fact that Andrey Ivanov, being under the state control, got multiple injuries is confirmed by an expert report and a medical certificate stating that he had bruises, head injuries, wounds and abrasions all over the body.
After the incident Mr.Ivanov went to the Prosecutor’s office. Three years have passed since the moment he submitted his application. During this period the prosecutor’s office has issued several unlawful refusals to instigate a criminal case that were later cancelled by the court or higher-standing prosecution bodies.
The court and the prosecutor’s office have many times cancelled unlawful decisions emphasizing that action should be taken.
However, no action was taken. Every time the investigators copied previous rulings of the Prosecutor’s office giving conflicting and sometimes absurd grounds.
We may say that the investigation was just a formality and the result was known in advance.
In connection with this Mr.Ivanov applied to the Committee against Torture office in Mariy El, the lawyers from the Committee conducted an investigation and found the actions of the RF representatives in breach of articles 3, 5 and 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
The International protection department of the Committee against Torture prepared an application and filed it to the European Court of Human Rights.