Specialists of the Committee against Torture acting in the interests of victims of the police “mopping-up” in Druzhba children’s camp have lodged a civil suit claiming compensation of damage with the Lazarevsky district court.
Nine victims want 50 000 roubles each, two claim 100 000 roubles. The suit has been registered by the court. In January 2009 the judgment of 15 October 2008 delivered by the Lazarevsky district court against eight SPF officers of the Krasnodar regional Directorate of the Interior charged with massive battery of vacationers in Druzhba children’s camp entered into force. All policemen were convicted under art. 286 of the RF Criminal Code, p.3 cl. “a”, “b” (Abuse of office with violent treatment and usage of special tools) and sentenced to various imprisonment terms.
It should be mentioned that the convicted officers did not acknowledge their guilt.
When the judgment entered into force the victims got a possibility to claim compensation of damage incurred by means of civil proceedings.