
16 October 2007 Trial procedure for the case on Police Special Force’s mopping up in children’s camp “Druzhba” starts in Lazarevskoe district court 16 October 2007 The verdict upon the case of police officers accused of violent treatment of Gennadiy Denisov will probably be rendered on November 2 10 October 2007 Opalikha village citizen Valery Dontsov claims that policemen tortured him into confessing to the murder of his son. 05 October 2007 A traffic policeman was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment on probation and a fine of 35 thousand roubles 05 October 2007 Presentation of the book “POLICE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND CHECHNYA. VETERANS OF THE CONFLICT IN RUSSIAN SOCIETY” 04 October 2007 Committee Against Torture once again achieved the reversal of an unlawful decision 04 October 2007 Human rights defenders will appeal against the acquittal on an officer of justice who beat a pensioner 02 October 2007 Defence lawyers of the OMON personnel sabotage the legal proceedings concerning the case of mass beatings in the camp 28 September 2007 Vice-chairperson of the Committee Against Torture Olga Sadovskaya arrived in Warszawa 27 September 2007 THE STATE MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CRIME OF A POLICEMAN THAT CRUELLY TREATED MINOR BOYS 25 September 2007 Sergey Oleynik, a victim of police ill-treatment, received the whole sum of compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage 21 September 2007 Two Chechen citizens have received 445 thousand roubles in compensation for torture and cruel treatment on the part of military men 21 September 2007 The teenage boy will get 20 thousand roubles for being unlawfully held in a detention facility 18 September 2007 The Lazarevsky District Court has adjourned the hearing of the criminal case against the OMON personnel until 2 October 17 September 2007 POSITION AVAILABLE:RUSSIA ANTIDISCRIMINATION LITIGATION PROJECT JUNIOR LAWYER 17 September 2007 TOMORROW THE HEARING OF THE CRIMINAL CASE AGAINST EIGHT OFFICERS OF OMON CHARGED WITH THE MASS ILL-TREATMENT OF HOLIDAY-MAKERS BEGINS 14 September 2007 Yesterday the Sovetsky District Court examined Dmitry Andronov’s claims for non-pecuniary damage resulting from unlawful custody 14 September 2007 A policemen accused of the ill-treatment compensated for non-pecuniary damage to the victim right in the court house 13 September 2007 Lawyers from Russia continue their training in the European Court 12 September 2007 Tomorrow the Sovetsky District Court is considering on the merits the civil suit of Dmitry Andronov
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