
02 March 2022 Rosgvardiya officer who hit and illegally detained a long distance driver, is sentenced to three years of conditional term 21 February 2022 The Committee Against Torture asked for the state protection of 18-year old Gennadiy Schvetsov due to threats by the Investigative Detention Facility 21 February 2022 Thanks to the work of the Committee Against Torture, the Investigative Committee started the check of the application of a resident of Moscow, beaten up by the police at the rally 21 February 2022 The Committee Against Torture and the “Public Verdict” foundation suggest to consider an alternative option of a draft law against torture developed by human rights defenders 20 February 2022 The results of the CAT work for 2021  18 February 2022 The Committee Against Torture applied to the ECHR in the interests of the three citizens from Orenburg, complained of police torture 14 February 2022 The European Court of Human Rights applied Rule 39 with regard to Zarema Musayeva 14 February 2022 Resident of Sochi told that the police officers were torturing him with electrical shocker to force him to provide information on the whereabouts of a crypto businessman 11 February 2022 Forcible delivery of Zarema Musayeva to Checnnya: Timeline 10 February 2022 The Committee Against Torture calculated how many times the police officers apologized to the victims 10 February 2022 The Committee Against Torture will help the Krasnodar journalist who complained of a police battery 08 February 2022 The Committee Against Torture started a check of a complaint of a battery of a 17-year old girl by Drug Enforcement officers 04 February 2022 The Committee Against Torture submitted applications to the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Committee of Russia with a request to check the legality of the statements made by the leaders of the Chechen Republic 02 February 2022 The Investigative Committee of the Orenburg region refused to open a torture case for the tenth time. The court declared the last dismissal to be legal 31 January 2022 The Committee Against Torture obliged Russia to conduct an effective investigation of the torture complaint submitted by a resident of Nizhny Novgorod in 2005 27 January 2022 “The Article That Is Not There”: the Committee Against Torture, Zebra Hero and SETTERS issued a special project against violence by law-enforcement officers 26 January 2022 Resident of Nalchik, whose thigh was pierced with a bodkin by a police officer, submitted an application to the ECHR 25 January 2022 A citizen of Uzbekistan, beaten up by the police officers, submitted an application to the ECHR 19 January 2022 The Committee Against Torture submitted eight applications of the Krasnodar Territory residents to the ECHR 14 January 2022 The Orenburg court lightened the verdict of the police officers who were torturing the apprehended with electrical shocker to force a confession of a theft of five thousand rubles
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